ICS-wide digital enablement: Embedding digital within clinical and operational strategy development to drive whole system transformation

ICS-wide digital enablement: Embedding digital within clinical and operational strategy development to drive whole system transformation

Thursday, February 9, 2023 9:30 AM to 10:10 AM · 40 min. (Europe/London)


  • Ensuring digital is part of a wider transformation agenda –exploring ways to converge processes and optimise clinical models across the system before bringing technology to the table
  • Identifying who holds the purse strings and workforce capacity across differing projects or workstreams at a system level, to simplify and speed up progression of new ideas or investments
  • Assessing the benefits and challenges of technology convergence across an ICS, and solidifying responsibility for service continuity and contingency planning at a system level
  • Embedding digital within your system’s operational and clinical DNA – should we still be developing or delivering ‘digital strategies’ by this time next year?

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