GoodTime Hire

GoodTime Hire

Employee Communications/Collaboration Tools


GoodTime Hire helps hiring teams go beyond candidate experience and make every interview count. Hire uses automate coordination to build better relationships during interviews, and provide actionable insights to continuously optimize the hiring process. It’s the new way to establish genuine connections with top talent and win the best candidates. Over 300 companies around the world like Slack, Box, HubSpot, Spotify, Okta, and Pinterest are getting to “yes” up to 70% faster with Hire.
GoodTime.ioVirtualHiring the best takes more than simply pouring more candidates into the top of your funnel. It takes strong relationships with candidates throughout the interview process to make the most of your pipeline. Playing a top-of-funnel numbers game isn’t enough to hit your hiring goals. That’s why we built GoodTime. First, GoodTime automates all your tedious coordination tasks, from scheduling interviews to ensuring interviewers arrive on time. Candidates get scheduled quickly, coordinators can focus on more meaningful work, and time-to-hire goes way down. But it’s not just about saving time. Making coordination painless for candidates is one of the simplest ways to show you care. It gets you on the right foot before the first interview. During the interview process, GoodTime helps you connect with candidates on a deeper level thanks to tools like intelligent interviewer matching, training, and automated load balancing. Imagine every candidate meeting a qualified, diverse group of interviewers during your hiring process. Experiences fade, but genuine connections last. You’ll also get data and insights your ATS can’t deliver. From candidate feedback to interviewer decline rates, you’ll be able to optimize your hiring process for better candidate relationships continuously. No more flying blind or tracking metrics manually. Everything you need to master your hiring process is in GoodTime. Companies like Slack, Box, and HubSpot are already winning top talent up to 70% faster with GoodTime. When you build relationships from the start, you can get to “yes” much quicker than your competition.

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