Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ)

General Partner


Seriously keen on science, therefore, resulting in high-quality education at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ since 1959) ranked among the best three in Slovakia. Currently, UPJŠ provides education to more than 7500 students at five faculties – Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Administration, and Faculty of Arts.

Take a look at our youtube video to get a flavour of our top research activities which comprise cybersecurity, computational cognitive neurosicience, geoinformation science, bioactive tissues, cancer treatment, development of batteries, hydrogen storage, intelligent and progressive materials, ultra low temperatures, graph theory, and much more.

Our research is closely tight with the education. Given your interest in computing Faculty of Science is the one to look for relevant study programmes.

Opened job positions
We promote our study and given your affinity to computing we draw attention to the study programmes run in English: - Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence (BSc., MSc.) - Information Science (BSc., MSc. PhD.) - Nuclear Physics, Theorethical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics (PhD.) - Mathematics (PhD.) - Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing (PhD.) PhD. positions are supported by monthly grants of 850 EUR netto. The support in BSc. and MSc. study based on your results can reach up to 2500 EUR per year including research-oriented jobs for students in the labs or in the field.
Efficient network security awareness
Challenge Description
Cybersecurity plays an important role in companies. In order for companies to have an overview of cyber threats and attacks targeting their computer network, it is necessary to effectively evaluate the obtained data. Feel free to use this one-week dataset from real computer networks in the Czech Republic containing over 500 million security alerts. Help us build a solution to protect companies against cyber threats via their visualization, forecasting or profiling or other methods.

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