VSL Software



"For more than 20 years, we have been striving to fulfil our vision of building a professional and respected company in the development of core information systems. Our goal is to help our customers meet their visions in the areas they focus on, through quality software solutions based on advanced technologies and open standards. We view expertise, loyalty, proper and timely delivery as crucial factors affecting customer satisfaction. We realize that satisfied employees with a high degree of professionalism are the key to fulfilling ambitions. This is also one of the reasons for our long-term cooperation with academic and research institutions in the region in order to prepare and engage novice specialists. We are gradually fulfilling our visions and we will be happy to contribute to the fulfilment of yours." - RNDr. Roman Vasky, PhD., Chairman of the Board VSL Software

Machine Learning in healthcare
Challenge Description
We decided to organize a challenge connected to healthcare and machine learning. Our concept is to let you develop your own ideas in your own way. You can choose a topic from healthcare, the choice is yours (e.g. ECG classification, CT image recognition, recommender system for therapy, prediction of health problems, COVID-19, etc.). We expect an interesting solution from the machine learning view. Projects finished with graphical UI will be appreciated, too. We expect: - processing and analysis of data - getting key information from data - use of machine learning algorithms in apps - unique ideas in coding Good luck!

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