
RMS.lu - Smart Water & Smart Parking

RMS.LU S.A. is a company specialized in the development, installation and support of automatic identification and mobility solutions for public services, industry, and commerce. Serving customers in Luxembourg and the Greater Region since 1992.

Among the solutions proposed by RMS, two that stand out are Smart Water and Smart Parking.

Smart Water:

The Smart Water solution aims to facilitate and improve the identification of water consumption/waste.

The solution is composed of a network of smart water meters, equipped with an ultrasonic sensor, and able to communicate through a LPWAN network to provide alert information to a platform.

Leaks, as well as other measures are identified and reported daily with several types of pre-defined alerts.

Smart Parking:

Smart Parking is RMS’ solution for the intelligent management of car parks. It is composed of a variety of sensors that detect the changing status of parking spaces.

These sensors send status information to the platform via a 4G/5G LPWAN network. Allowing a wide use of this information. For example, the creation of statistics on the flow of cars in a car park, real time status, urban signage, etc...


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