Databourg Systems



Databourg: The Rain Company

Databourg is an environmental data analytics company based in Luxembourg. Databourg developed an innovative technology for rainfall monitoring using data from satellite communication networks.

This solution is based on using existing satellite dishes and transforming them into real-time rain sensors using deep learning techniques. This approach enables to build a network of real-time and affordable rain monitoring sensors.

Currently, Databourg’s rainfall monitoring sensors are operational in 4 countries, France, the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Zealand with more than 12,000 sensors in total. Soon it will expand to Latin America as well.

For 90% of the earth's surface, there is no reliable rainfall data mainly because rainfall sensors are extremely expensive, so underdeveloped countries cannot afford to deploy networks of such sensors. Databourg provides affordable, real-time, and localized rainfall data, helping local governments and companies manage rainfall-induced threats and hazards.

Databourg’s mission is to provide the best rainfall intelligence to business and institutional users and to be recognized as “The Rain Company”.


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