Savvy Mobility



We make sure no vehicle transports less passengers than it should.

Do you wish to maximize the use of your mobility resources?

Savvy Mobility is a versatile On-Demand Mobility software for cities, transport authorities and operators. Their state-of-the-art optimization platform matches demand for transport with available vehicles and drivers.

End-to-end software solution

Their software consists of a passenger app (Savvy Rider), a driver app (Savvy Driver) and an operator web interface (Savvy Manager). Savvy Mobility dispatches and pools both pre-booked and real-time requests automatically. Our clients can be more responsive to passengers’ demand while optimizing their operations in multiple use cases.

Come talk to us! We are looking forward to understanding your needs and specific business constraints to help you digitize your mobility services.


Losch Digital Lab

Savvy Mobility is part of Losch Digital Lab’s portfolio. Losch Digital Lab was created in 2018 as a software subsidiary within Losch Luxembourg with the goal of bringing new technological solutions in the field of mobility.


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