California State University San Bernardino Biology Department MS Program
Participating Organizations
California State University San Bernardino
Biology Department - MS program
The Biology Department at CSUSB offers a research-intensive MS program culminating in a written thesis aimed for peer-reviewed publication. Faculty Principal Investigator's range in interests from Dr. Newcomb's molecular virology laboratory studying RNA viral pathogens, Dr. Nickerson's laboratory contributing to cancer, heart, and neurodegenerative disease research using yeast as a model system, and Dr. Horner's laboratory exploring biomechanics and morphology in small mammals. In addition, Dr. Bournias leads a competitive training program for MS students supported by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). This program provides students with a stipend and supports tuition costs during their MS studies. CIRM students perform thesis research off campus at research intensive universities within a stem cell laboratory. Students who graduate from our program typically move on to professional programs including PhD programs and medical schools. Interested students should directly contact potential PIs to arrange an interview and contact Graduate Coordinator - Dr. Laura L Newcomb (lnewcomb@csusb.edu) regarding application status.
Applications are submitted via CSU Apply: https://www.calstate.edu/apply