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The Global Health Security Innovation Week 2022 (March 12-15, 2022) is the world's first conference focused on bringing together the health security and technology innovation communities to define and communicate today's most pressing challenges in preventing, predicting, detecting, and responding to global health security threats.
GHS Innovation Week will emphasize the importance of locally driven innovation in emerging ecosystems (LMICs) and will promote equitable access to technologies and resources for ensuring health security in all communities. Together participants will create a roadmap and a call to action for innovators to solve the most pressing current and future challenges in global health security.
Texas Global Health Security Innovation Consortium (Austin, Texas, USA); TEXGHS is a consortium between academia, public sector, and private sector partners to coordinate efforts to support companies working towards pandemic preparedness and response in Texas. Organized by the Austin Technology Incubator at The University of Texas at Austin, TEXGHS is leading the creation and long-term growth of a health security innovation ecosystem that supports innovators and innovations fighting COVID-19 and future pandemics.
Austin Technology Incubator, University of Texas at Austin
Global Health Security Network
UNAIDS Health Innovation Exchange
GHS Innovation Week sessions will address the themes of preparation, response, cooperation, and recovery from health security threats.
GHS Innovation Week will feature an international exhibition of the startups, entrepreneurs, programs, and countries leading COVID-19 response and recovery while building new solutions to face future health security challenges. The exhibition will include pavilions that offer larger programs the opportunity to feature multiple startups, innovators, or programs interested in sharing their innovative ideas and products with an international audience of decision-makers, customers, and investors.
Global health security innovators, public health policy thought leaders, international organizations, government officials, philanthropists, venture capitalists, startup founders and CEOs, prominent scientific researchers, technology commercialization experts, academic thought leaders, and healthcare professionals
All those working at the intersection of technology and health security; entrepreneurs, technologists, startups, funders, NGOs, technology investors, scientists, government representatives, technicians, healthcare professionals, students, international organization representatives, and frontline healthcare workers
Health Equity and Accessibility
Mental Health and Community Resiliency
Public Health Solutions
Public Policy and Communication
One Health and Emerging Diseases
Vaccine Development and Distribution
Public Private Partnerships for GHS
Emerging Innovation Ecosystems
Biosafety and Biosecurity
Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Future Health Security Threats
Investment in GHS Innovation
The TEXGHS x IDEO Design for One Health Workshop (March 12, 2022) human-centered design workshop in partnership with IDEO
GHS Innovation Week 2022 Demo Day (March 14, 2022) in partnership with UNAIDS Health Innovation Exchange (HIEx), World Health Organization Africa Regional Office, the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Houston, the Consulate General of Denmark in Houston, the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), TEXGHS, Prodeo, and Tech Ranch.