Heinz Wilkening

Scientific Officier

European Commission, Joint Research Centre (jrc)

About me

Heinz Wilkening obtained his degree in mechanical engineering from Hannover University in 1993. Since then he has worked in major public research institutions (FZK, now KIT from 1994-1997 and JRC from 1997-2000 and 2003 till present) as well as industries (Volkswagen 2000-2003). My work was mostly related to design, experimentation, modelling and simulations. In 2003 he rejoined the DG Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Petten. Here he has worked on hydrogen safety, fuel cell modelling and studies various aspects of the new smart grid in particular residential load simulation. Currently he is the responsible laboratory manager for the Smart Home Interoperability Laboratory of the JRC. Since recently he has an interest in Quantum Computing for electrical grid modelling and optimization.

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