Emerging food safety risks
2023 seems a lifetime away from 2022, just as 2022 did from 2021. As the rate of change grows ever quicker, we identify the upcoming food safety risks in a world dominated by climate change and economic instability.
The world is changing rapidly, and these changes are having a significant impact on food safety. Climate change, economic instability, and new technologies are all creating new risks for the food supply.
On this panel, we will discuss the emerging food safety risks that are facing the world today. We will explore the following questions:
• What are the new risks to food safety?
• How are these risks being created by climate change, economic instability, and new technologies?
• What can be done to mitigate these risks?
This panel is essential for anyone who is concerned about the safety of their food. By attending, you will gain a better understanding of the emerging risks to food safety, and you will learn about the steps that are being taken to mitigate these risks.