Springer® Umami AA Yeast Extract | Biospringer

Springer® Umami AA Yeast Extract | Biospringer

Yeast Nutrients


Springer® Umami AA is a high natural umami yeast extract that works perfectly well in a salt-reduced recipe without short-changing the taste. The amino acids, nucleotides, and peptides present in Springer® Umami AA work synergistically to provide long-lasting high natural umami. This intensifies salt perception and reinforces the taste to help achieve up to 30% salt reduction in your formulation. Find out about Springer® Umami AA by downloading the product handout below. For more information, please connect with the Biospringer representatives. Visit the Biospringer website to explore other products: https://bit.ly/38PS9Pr Follow us on Linkedin: https://bit.ly/38P1RkW
Flavour EnhancersYeast Nutrients
Processing, Packaging, Services and Equipment
Contract ManufacturingContract ResearchLabelling

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