Countering Deception: Addressing Deceptive Designs in the Inclusive Finance Sector

Countering Deception: Addressing Deceptive Designs in the Inclusive Finance Sector

Global Live
Consumer Protection


As digital financial services become ubiquitous, so does the ability to cause harm especially in the way user interfaces can manipulate users to make decisions that go against their interest. Deceptive designs have been widely researched in middle to high income countries, but their impact on low income consumers who are early users of digital financial services is less researched and understood.

This session will bring together perspectives from countries with significantly different regulatory environments, and at different stages of development and adoption of digital financial services to:

  • Examine the prevalence and usage of deceptive designs in digital financial services across different country contexts
  • Discuss market incentives and design principles that can address the motivations and mechanisms behind deceptive designs in digital financial services
  • Identify lessons learned from established regulatory and policy mechanisms, where present, and consider how they can be incorporated into emerging regulation in emerging markets

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