Core & Technical Products

Core & Technical Products

Core & Technical Products
Core & Technical Products
Core & Technical Products
Core & Technical Products
Core & Technical Products


The Core & Technical Products collection offers a wide variety of products. Our range of Particleboard, Medium Density Fiberboard and Oriented Strand Board products has high technical performance and application possibilities. During times in which sustainability has an increasingly important role on our every day lives, our commitment concerning the responsible use of raw materials could not be more serious. Through Ecoboard, we provide a complete offer of products with no-added formaldehyde resins during manufacture process, a natural substance present in a significant variety of day to day products. Whether in Particleboard, Medium Density Fiberboard or Oriented Strand Board, we present a comprehensive range of products with no-added formaldehyde resins during manufacture process to meet the most demanding ecological concerns and to improve indoor air quality/IAQ. For more information we gladly invite you to visit the Documents Section at our booth; how to get here? Please click on the Sonae Arauo logo below, you will now return to the Sonae Arauco booth. Scroll down and you will find the Documents Section where the Core & Technical Products video, website link and brochure might provide the information you wish for. Surely you are also welcome to contact one of our team members, we are looking forward to meet you.

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