Iceberg Client Credit
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Iceberg is a brand that, at its core, understands the financial needs of the legal profession and its Clients.
We offer revolving credit facilities for both divorce and probate Clients that are introduced to us by Law Firms for the purpose of financing fee notes, disbursements and other legal expenses.
A Client Credit account allows Clients to finance the cost of their proceedings and disbursements (subject to status) for up to 36 months, or until the case is completed if sooner.
Interest is only charged in relation to the value of the costs actually paid from the account, calculated a rate of 1.5% per month. Clients are expected to make monthly minimum payments. They can also choose to pay more than the minimum payment or repay the entire balance at any stage without penalty, which would reduce the amount of interest they pay. The account is then due for repayment in full once a settlement has been reached (or a Consent Order has been made). The account can be used at any stage of the proceedings and covers costs in relation to all aspects of divorce.