Concurrent Session 6B: Horizontal expansion: Socioeconomic Factors

Concurrent Session 6B: Horizontal expansion: Socioeconomic Factors



Moderator: Cesar Leonardo Pinzon Gomez, MD
Co-Moderator: David Gimeno Ruiz de Porras, MSc, PhD

Speaker: Preethi Pratap, PhD (Public health impacts of underemployment); Tim Bushnell, PhD, MPA; Preethi Pratap, PhD (A decent work agenda for the US); Ray Tapas, PhD

Description: The world of work is undergoing major changes: in the nature of work and employment arrangements, in workforce demographics, and in the types of workplaces, all of which can affect both worker well-being and business productivity. Embracing this paradigm shift requires a more expansive, systems-thinking approach to better integrate traditional OSH and non-OSH factors, both horizontally and vertically (from a short-term perspective to a work life continuum perspective).  This session centers on the horizontal expansion, with an emphasis on socioeconomic factors.

Learning objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: (1) describe current research on socioeconomic level factors and their relationship to worker well-being; (2) describe how socioeconomic level factors are incorporated into the expanded focus for OSH paradigm shift; (3) discuss at least one socioeconomic level factor and how it influences worker well-being.

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