Concurrent Session 3A: Special session: Employment Regimes and Health 1: LAC Countries and Migrants

Concurrent Session 3A: Special session: Employment Regimes and Health 1: LAC Countries and Migrants



Moderator: Professor Frank Pot

Speakers: Mireia Utzet, PhD; Michael Silva, PhD; Richard Rabin; Bethany Boggess Alcauter, PhD

Description: The world of work is undergoing major changes: in the nature of work and employment arrangements, in workforce demographics, and in the types of workplaces, all of which can affect both worker well-being and business productivity. Embracing this paradigm shift requires a more expansive, systems-thinking approach to better integrate traditional OSH and non-OSH factors, both horizontally and vertically (from a short-term perspective to a work life continuum perspective).  However, the impact of this expanded focus on vulnerable populations, as well as in resource-poor and other developing countries, is less well known. This special concurrent session presents current research, conducted in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), as well as in migrant populations in developed countries, that examines the relationship between the future of work and its impact on worker health.

Learning objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: (1) describe at least one example of innovative research conducted in developing countries and/or vulnerable worker populations that examines the relationship between country, workers and health; (2) distinguish and critique the relationship between different leading occupational health indicators and country status.

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