Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights : how to ensure a better continuum of sexual and reproductive health services and rights-based approach in an emergency context

Webstream (without interpretation)
Humanitarian Talks


Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are the rights of all people to decide freely about all aspects of their bodies and sexuality. They aim to ensure that no one is victim to sexual discrimination, coercion or violence, including by combating early and forced marriage and genital mutilation. They also aim to provide access to reliable information and education and to quality sexual and reproductive health services (including access to contraception). Sexual and reproductive health and rights remain nourish a virtuous circle by promoting access to education, empowerment, reducing inequalities, and are an essential condition for ensuring women's and girl’s rights. To give access to SRHR in emergency context remain one of the most important action actors can undertake to prevent dramatic consequences on women and girls and more generally onto the population. As the Human rights based approach guide all action including the new NDICI, this event give the opportunity to think collectively on how to ensure that SRH needs and rights in emergencies context are addressed and answered.

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