Humanitarian Innovative financing: a means to address the funding gap?

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Humanitarian Talks


This Humanitarian talk will build on the momentum that has been established since the 2016 report of the UN High Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing towards harnessing new sources of finance, in particular drawing on private investment, to address the humanitarian financing gap. Significant steps have been made in this area, with the majority of humanitarian implementing organisations exploring innovative financing means, engagement from the public and international financial institutions in fragile states having stepped up following the Global Refugee Forum of 2019, and the private investment community also exploring how to unlock investments in humanitarian contexts, notably through an initiative of the World Economic Forum. Nonetheless, the humanitarian financing gap remains and is growing. Concerted actions from public donors as well as humanitarian organisations are still required in order to de-risk and catalyse private investments, in particular in the tougher economic climate following COVID-19. This event will aim to highlight the actions that organisations can take to draw in this private investment, building on recent good practice in the field and the experience of development cooperation in promoting private sector investment to address the SDGs.

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