Implementing a Rapid Response Mechanism for Higher Education in Emergencies in the Euro-Med Region
Facilitated by Camões – Cooperation and Language Institute/ Global Platform for Higher Education in Emergencies in cooperation with the Union for the Mediterranean In the New York Declaration, adopted in 2016, all the UN member States committed to “promote tertiary education (…), recognizing that “ in conflict and crisis situations, higher education serves as a powerful driver for change, shelters and protects a critical group of young men and women by maintaining their hope for the future, fosters inclusion and non-discrimination and acts as a catalyst for the recovery and rebuilding of post-conflict countries”. More than five years latter what has been done to deliver on this promise? Where are we in this regard? This panel will explore opportunities and challenges ahead to reach the “15#30”target set by UNHCR aimed at ensuring that by 2030 15 percent of refugees will accede to higher education at a time when a new major humanitarian crisis is hitting thousands of students fleeing the war. In this session, panellists will address in particular the case study of setting up a Rapid Response Mechanism for Higher Education in Emergencies (RRM) in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Be part of the solutions, join our discussions and our efforts. Together we can make it happen!