Ziath DataPaq Cube

A compact, versatile, quick and robust scanner with minimal cabling.
The Ziath DataPaq™ Cube Rack Reader is a 2D datamatrix tube camera reader with a scan & decode time of 1-2 seconds on a 'normal' computer. The Cube can read all racks on the market including Cryoboxes and SBS racks; even 384 racks.
• Compatible with 24, 48, 96, 240, 384 SBS racks
• Compatible with 81 and 100 cryoboxes
• Smallest 'scan all' scanner on the market
• Camera based instrument resulting in rapid imaging and decoding
• Footprint ideal for benchtop and integration
• Minimal cabling
The DataPaq™ Cube Rack Reader is easy to set-up, and can be ready to use only a few minutes after taking it out of the box. The rack reader arrives fully calibrated and is ready to read all makes of SBS format and Cryobox 2D barcoded racks and tubes. Our patented DataPaq™ Cube is a camera-based instrument and is significantly quicker than scanner-based 2D barcode readers: just one second and you can load the next rack! Our DataPaq™ software makes it simple to export data to Excel, XML or text, and scanned images can also be saved. The DataPaq™ software can connect with Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres and other databases. DataPaq software is ten years in development and is not only an amazing barcode reading tool but also intuitively easy to use
Ziath's Cryoprotection™ reduces condensation caused by cold racks. It uses no heat, no fans and does not add any heat into the rack being scanned.
For pricing please enquire at sales@ziath.com