MIT Spinoff, 247Solar, Announces Emissions-Free Turbine

MIT Spinoff, 247Solar, Announces Emissions-Free Turbine

Insights and Case Studies


Great Falls, VA, USA 247Solar Inc., a spinoff of MIT, along with microturbine supplier Capstone Turbine Corporation, today announced the successful test of a revolutionary commercial turbine that can generate electricity using hot air at atmospheric-pressure, without combustion. This breakthrough is made possible by an ultra-high temperature heat exchanger with technology that has its origins at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The 247Solar Heat Exchanger™ uses a proprietary nickel-chromium-aluminum-iron alloy engineered for sustained operation at very high temperatures. For its size, the heat exchanger is the most compact and materials-efficient in the world. Its first application is the best-selling and most reliable small turbine in the world, the C200 microturbine from Capstone Turbine Corporation. This turbine is the heart of the first operational 247Solar Plant™, being built in California. The Plant includes a system that concentrates sunlight to heat air to a high-enough temperature that is then used to drive the turbine to produce electricity. The microturbine in combination with 247Solar’s technology offers one of the world’s most versatile, reliable, zero-carbon power generation solutions.

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