Decarbonising Power: Strategies and Optimisation

Decarbonising Power: Strategies and Optimisation

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 4:30 PM to 5:10 PM · 40 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


Renewable energy and battery storage are the cornerstones for decarbonising mine power and a necessary first step towards electrifying processes and mobile fleets. While carbon targets are a key driver, repowering mines with renewables and storage must be done in a way that reduces costs and maintains security of supply. This panel will offer critical insight from mining experts on current projects and further plans for renewable energy and storage. 

● There has been an acceleration in the last 6 months of project announcements for renewables and storage for mines - is this the new normal, what barriers to further penetration are being overcome? 

● How are current projects performing and what additional opportunities are mines pursuing for global operations?  

● What is your experience of optimising your energy mix to realize the full potential of energy and carbon savings?  

● What challenges still come up when assessing higher penetration renewable energy solutions? 

● How does the process for a greenfield vs brownfield site differ when integrating renewables and storage? 

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