Easy Hydro


Easy Hydro designs, sells and commissions systems to recover energy from water pipes and turn it into green electricity. Built upon 10+ years research at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, our systems are based upon standard pumps which we optimise to run in reverse as turbines. Generation capacity can range from a few kWs to over 500 kW for a single device.

Our customers are large water users, for whom we analyse their internal water networks identifying places where the pressure is being reduced or lost (e.g. by a valve or by discharging into a reservoir). Here we can install one of our turbines to generate clean electricity instead of that excess water pressure being wasted.

An Easy Hydro turbine helps both reduce energy costs and lower your carbon footprint. The electricity generated can be used on-site, with consequent carbon savings, or exported to the electricity network. Our turbines are available on short lead times and easy to maintain, keeping the total cost of ownership low. The resulting electricity cost per kWh is likely to be considerably cheaper than both your energy tariff and the cost per kWh from other renewable energy sources with, typically, a return on investment of 3-5 years.

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