LGCs as a pathway to sustainability for commercial energy buyers

LGCs as a pathway to sustainability for commercial energy buyers

Case Studies


If you’re an Australian commercial energy buyer, no doubt you’re getting serious about your sustainability objectives, be it net-zero, 100% renewables or similar, by a date in the not-too-distant future (and if not, you should be!). We work with a lot of organisations in this space, and while the conversation often starts around opportunities for power purchase agreements (PPA), there are a lot of options to meet these objectives, including directly procuring LGCs. How does this work? Let’s go through it. LGCs can be purchased to offset a business’s direct carbon emissions, or scope 2 emissions. They can also be used to offset downstream or supply-chain electricity consumption, or scope 3 emissions. For example, transport, travel or in the case of a local council – streetlights. Read more: https://www.renewableenergyhub.com.au/news/20-11-2020

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