Unlocking Renewables for Grid-Tied Mines

Unlocking Renewables for Grid-Tied Mines

Thursday, June 17, 2021 1:30 AM to 2:15 AM · 45 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


Australian mines and energy-intensive industries are moving forward with and actively assessing renewable energy and storage as a means of addressing electricity costs and carbon emissions goals for grid-connected operations. This panel will address the key questions facing miners contemplating renewable energy for grid-tied sites. 

  • What types of renewable energy and storage projects are mines and other energy-intensive companies contemplating for grid-tied operations?
  • What lessons have been learned from recent PPAs for mining companies and other industrial clients? 
  • What are the preferred business and financing models for these projects?
  • What approaches are mining companies taking for project development and procurement? 
  • What particular regulatory, permitting and other administrative challenges are project proponents encountering?
  • What market developments are expected to support and further facilitate renewables for grid-tied mines?
  • Beyond powering operations, how are renewables expected to play a role in broader energy and sustainability goals - i.e. minerals processing, fleet decarbonization and electrification initiatives?

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