Investment in the Energy Sector Expected to Continue into 2022

Investment in the Energy Sector Expected to Continue into 2022

Insights and Case Studies


2020 and 2021 have seen industries and people alike adjust to the ‘new normal’ in light of the global pandemic. Investment and business came to a halt while governments and industries grappled with the impact of lockdowns on operations. However, since then enterprises and governments have slowly but surely started investing in new projects as lockdowns have been adjusted and people have adapted to the changes COVID-19 has caused. The increased spending across industries has also been a way to revitalise economies that have experienced a setback in growth, while investment in renewable energy is on the rise as more companies seek a sustainable supply of power. Driving the growth in investment projects are the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) that have been initiated by governments, and individual private sector initiatives to bolster industry and revive economic growth and financial performance, especially as governments have been focused on combating the pandemic which has restricted spending on essential development projects. Throughout 2021, Cresco has seen how industry and government have worked hard to overcome the challenges that have arisen due to the global pandemic, and how the increased interest in investment has impacted numerous industries. Cresco Group Managing Director Conrad Hefer points out: “Working closely on strategic projects across Africa has given us an in-depth understanding of how industries have changed, and how different enterprises have reacted. With Cresco being awarded 138 new assignments this year we are also seeing how investment is bouncing back as the new normal sets in.”
CrescoCresco exists to help our client’s ideas become a reality. We pride ourselves on our ability to grasp the core of a vision, to understand its impact on the community and infrastructure and determine the likelihood of success. Our team is made up of highly skilled individuals, that have experience in closure and execution of major capital projects across many industries in Africa. Founded in 2005, Cresco has been bridging the gap between concept and project for the last 15 years. Assisting project developers, financial institutions and contractors, we draw on our wide range of project development and financing experience to ensure the best service for our clients’. At Cresco, we pride ourselves on our efficient, detailed and adaptable Financial Modelling processes in order to determine and identify potential risks. Our project advisory and fund-raising experience as well as our good standing relationships gives us esteemed credibility in the market. The project development lifecycle, from concept to feasibility analysis, finance structuring, funding, construction and operation, is a complex and intricate process. Our team guides the project promoter step-by-step through these activities, involving any other participants at the appropriate times, and providing continuous, specialised hands-on support. Cresco helps clients to develop outstanding projects to their full potential in Africa and beyond. During the course of the project development we offer specialist financial, commercial and management support.

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