LONGi Hi-MO 5 shows excellent performance in dynamic load testing

LONGi Hi-MO 5 shows excellent performance in dynamic load testing

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As a global leader in solar technology, LONGi adheres to innovation and reliability as the core pillars of the company’s ongoing development. In order to validate the performance of its 182mm Hi-MO 5 module under extreme weather conditions, LONGi carried out rigorous dynamic load testing (DML) on the bifacial Hi-MO 5 at the China General Certification (CGC) laboratory. The test sample was randomly selected from modules under mass production, with results showing that, under installation conditions of outer four hole bolt mounting (1400mm) with 1500Pa, Hi-MO 5 passed a 22,000 cycle test and was still in excellent condition, underlining the design and reliability of both module size and structure. Similar publicly released DML test results for oversized modules (2384mm×1303mm) showed them to have only survived 2,000 cycles, indicating that the fatigue limit of Hi-MO 5 is over 10 times that of a larger module.

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