Insights and Case Studies


We believe that our business can and should play a leadership role in improving the quality of life in the communities in which we operate. Our efforts are aimed at promoting the long-term interests of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, business partners, investors, local communities, and the mining and minerals industries at large. On average, Tronox South Africa invested over R22 million a year towards the building of schools and homes in local communities, supporting schools with programs that aim to improve teacher-learner outcomes in maths and science; as well as creating business opportunities for income-generating projects for communities. Empowering Rural Economies Tronox South Africa is committed to the objectives set out in the National Development Plan which aims to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030. Over the last five years, through our Social and Labour Plan – Local Economic Development Project, we have made a valuable contribution towards building and enabling local businesses in the communities where we operate.

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