Grid Applications

Grid Applications

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Before 247Solar technologies, generating electricity for grids from clean power was unpredictable. Electricity was available only when the sun was shining or the wind was blowing, and storing energy for later use required costly batteries that could only store for short durations. Today, 247Solar technologies make continuous round-the-clock clean electricity a reality – in any weather. 247Solar Plants™ and HeatStorE™ all-night batteries increase the reliability and resilience of grid electricity. Our flexible solutions provide 24/7/365 clean power with no need for emergency backup. They can disconnect without interrupting their generation of power when the main grid goes down, and instantly reconnect when the main grid recovers, providing an uninterrupted flow of power during voltage and demand fluctuations. In situations when the available grid power exceeds the actual demand, 247Solar Plants™ or HeatStorE™ batteries can store and time-shift this excess power and deliver it back to the grid on demand. Grid operators can co-locate HeatStorE™ with substations to provide load shifting when grids go down.

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