Financial Implications for the Net-Zero Journey

Financial Implications for the Net-Zero Journey

Tuesday, February 22, 2022 9:27 AM to 9:35 AM · 8 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


  • Energy savings vs. the green premium: when and how to incorporate different technologies
  • Managing the procurement process from start to finish - lessons learned from adjudicating renewables and captive power projects for more than 20 African mines
  • Developing a clear strategy for 100% power decarbonization and the pathways to net zero mining
CrescoCresco exists to help our client’s ideas become a reality. We pride ourselves on our ability to grasp the core of a vision, to understand its impact on the community and infrastructure and determine the likelihood of success. Our team is made up of highly skilled individuals, that have experience in closure and execution of major capital projects across many industries in Africa. Founded in 2005, Cresco has been bridging the gap between concept and project for the last 15 years. Assisting project developers, financial institutions and contractors, we draw on our wide range of project development and financing experience to ensure the best service for our clients’. At Cresco, we pride ourselves on our efficient, detailed and adaptable Financial Modelling processes in order to determine and identify potential risks. Our project advisory and fund-raising experience as well as our good standing relationships gives us esteemed credibility in the market. The project development lifecycle, from concept to feasibility analysis, finance structuring, funding, construction and operation, is a complex and intricate process. Our team guides the project promoter step-by-step through these activities, involving any other participants at the appropriate times, and providing continuous, specialised hands-on support. Cresco helps clients to develop outstanding projects to their full potential in Africa and beyond. During the course of the project development we offer specialist financial, commercial and management support.

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