CRPS 260 GT – electric contra-rotating propulsion system

CRPS 260 GT – electric contra-rotating propulsion system

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 7:31 AM to 7:47 AM · 16 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Developments in Hybrid & Electric Propulsion
Theatre One


There are 375,000 propeller-driven civilian aircraft in the world today. All use one propeller per shaft. Coaxial contra-rotating propeller (CRP) systems offer considerable performance benefits over single propeller systems. The new 400 HP CRPS 260 GT system provides yaw-free thrust and, driven by powerful electric traction motors, can deliver high-performance STOL capabilities to most aircraft. This new system uses separate motors, batteries and duplicated power electronics to drive the propellers. Furthermore, as a fuselage-mounted unit, it offers ‘twin-engine’ status but, as a coaxial arrangement, without requiring a pilot to hold a twin-engine license rating.

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