Fault-tolerant eVTOL propulsion architectures

Fault-tolerant eVTOL propulsion architectures

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 7:49 AM to 8:05 AM · 16 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Developments in eVTOL and eSTOL aircraft
Theatre Three


eVTOL propulsion systems fall into two camps: multiple rotor systems with simplex power channels per rotor and low number of rotors each powered with a fault-tolerant electrical drive system. The paper will compare these two approaches and present architectures for fault-tolerant electrical drives. The route to achieving 10-7 per flight hour availability on a single output shaft electrical drive will be described. The presentation will be illustrated with practical results from radial- and axial-flux fault-tolerant electrical drives and will describe the design processes and tools that can be used.

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