Pattinson Auction

VIP Sponsor


With almost thirty years of hosting, supplying and mastering property auction services, Pattinson Auction have grown to become one of the largest providers of an increasingly popular route for property sales within the UK.

Let us help you:

Increase Revenue & Improve Fee Levels

Reduce Fall Throughs

Offer More Services To Your Clients

Win Instructions

Get Paid Quicker

Speed Up Transaction Time

We pride ourselves on being the largest auction facility provider in the UK, whose focus is to assist independent estate agents. In doing so, we now work alongside more than 2000 valued Partners across the country, helping each offer what is in essence, their own auction outlet.

We believe that the security which an auction sale provides, makes this option a viable alternative to the traditional Private Treaty offering. Working with our Partners, we continually strive to evolve our service to help strengthen the service provision our Partners can offer their clients.

Tailored around each Partner, the service we supply, becomes the service your agency can offer and confidently provide to your clients. Our product is created to ensure our Partners receive the recognition for what is their auction facility and its associated successes. Please do speak with us to share what you would seek from our service to ensure it dovetails with your current service offerings and also help enhance your brand. We will endeavour to provide an outlet which meets your requirements and standards.

We also recognise that every successful Partnership is a two-way relationship, and we champion this by always seeking to offer more in regard to service provision and associated benefits:

Property Passback - seeking to provide our Partners where possible with instructions. On average we place in excess of 50 listings a month with our Partners

Right To Sell - inviting all of our Partners to generate additional fees by having the opportunity to sell each and every auction listing we manage. Equating to available stock for your agency to market and sell increasing immediately once partnered.

Please do speak to us about our FREE to use facility, which is recognised as being one of the fastest growing in the UK, supported by a resource of more than 100 staff based at our dedicated 12,000 sqft offices, and an extensive team of Business Development Managers which provide face to face support covering every corner of the country; all of which are on hand to add another dimension to your agency and brand.

Pattinson Auction

What's Not to Love

We hope to speak to you soon at our virtual booth.

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