Determination of active ingredients efficacy by NMR: how to access to this information?

Determination of active ingredients efficacy by NMR: how to access to this information?



After the development of low field NMR method to measure the hydration capacity of the active ingredients, the objective was to develop innovative methods to characterize their efficacy by targeting the cellular metabolism. Indeed, it has been for example demonstrated that a too low hydration level can drive to a change of the cellular metabolism, like a stress. These modifications induces different metabolites level in the skin, that can be detected by NMR. How to robustly test the overall changes that occur after the application of products to the skin? This approach relies on the integration of NMR to measure changes in metabolites and Mass Spectrometry to assess the impact on underlying metabolic pathways and the proteins involved. This new tool will give an overview of the changes in the skin following the application of the active ingredients. This innovation is the result of close collaboration between Cerevaa and Elysia Biosciences.

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