Painted Products with Silver Flake Arrangement (銀切廻し塗装品)

Painted Products with Silver Flake Arrangement (銀切廻し塗装品)

Painted Products with Silver Flake Arrangement (銀切廻し塗装品)
Painted Products with Silver Flake Arrangement (銀切廻し塗装品)
Painted Products with Silver Flake Arrangement (銀切廻し塗装品)
Painted Products with Silver Flake Arrangement (銀切廻し塗装品)
Painted Products with Silver Flake Arrangement (銀切廻し塗装品)
Painted Products with Silver Flake Arrangement (銀切廻し塗装品)
Painted Products with Silver Flake Arrangement (銀切廻し塗装品)


This decoration method uses a traditional Japanese crafting technique in which flakes of pure silver foil are arranged in a non-specific/random fashion and painted in/sprayed with a particular colour from above. By virtue of the craftsmen’s manual work, each item will possess an original and individual finish. Owing to the unique texture of the foil as well as the original pattern of the silver flake arrangement, an air of splendour/luxury can be articulated. フレーク状にした純銀箔をランダムに貼り付けてその上から色付けをする日本の伝統工芸の手法を用いた加飾方法になります。 職人による手作業の為、一品一品オリジナルの仕上がりになります。箔独特の風合いと、ランダムで貼ることで形成される複雑な柄等、切廻しでしか表現できない風合いと高級感を表現できます。

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