BioMeca® is a French biotech company that reveals mechanical effects of your active ingredients and finished products on skin models. Our in vitro and ex vivo tests allow you to innovate by bringing a biomechanical dimension to your cosmetic claims. More than a claim, it's a quasi-physiological proof.
BioMeca® est une entreprise française de biotechnologie qui révèle les effets mécaniques de vos principes actifs et produits finis sur des modèles de peau. Nos tests in vitro et ex vivo vous permettent d'innover en apportant une dimension biomécanique à vos allégations cosmétiques. Plus qu'une revendication, c'est une preuve quasi-physiologique.
Think Mechanics for your project!
<strong>Tailor-made solutions to empower your claims</strong>: in vitro and ex vivo tests to reveal tensing effect, skin penetration, hair protection, slimming effect, blue light protection, skin barrier integrity, smoothing effect, ...
Activity sectors
Testing and analyses
biomechanicsbiologymicroscopyafmefficacy trial