<p>Bioalternatives offers a global outsourcing solution in the field of dermo-cosmetics and life science research and a complete 360° range, from in silico testing to the bioanalysis of non-invasive clinical samples, and including in vitro and ex vivo testing, as well as an exclusive offer based on a fresh blood model: "Bloodassaysolutions".</p>
<p>Our know-how is based on laboratories specialized in cellular and molecular pharmacology, biochemistry, microbiology, analytical chemistry and tissue engineering.</p>
<p>As a Contract Research Organization (CRO), Bioalternatives has a strong expertise in the evaluation of active ingredients and product efficacy (drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, food supplements) in the fields of skin biology, immune-inflammation, neurobiology and veterinary medicine.</p>
Activity sectors
Testing and analyses
n vitro & ex vivo assaysin silico virtual screening,Biochemical analysisTestingCosmetic Claim SubstantiationSkin barrier & hydrationskin microbiotaTests in vitro & ex vivo, Screening in silico virtuel , Analyses biochimiques, Testing, Cosmetic Claim Substantiation, Barrière cutanée & hydratation, Microbiote cutané, non-invasive clinical sampling non-invasive clinical samplingTests in vitro & ex vivoScreening in silico virtuelAnalyses biochimiquesBarrière cutanée & hydratatioMicrobiote cutané