CB Watch - HV Circuit Breaker Monitoring Solution

CB Watch - HV Circuit Breaker Monitoring Solution

Grid Management and Monitoring


The CB Watch is suitable for most HV circuit breakers: live tank or dead tank, with ganged or independent pole operation. But it is also increasingly used on GCB (Generator Circuit Breakers), on HYpact and on the circuit breaker compartments of GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear). The configuration chosen can be mounted inside the control cabinet (especially when factory fitted) or next to it in its own separate enclosure. Key Benefits • CB Watch monitors different dielectric gas: SF6 and Fluoronitrile based gas mixtures such as GE's g3 gas • Modern modular solution that fills diverse fleet monitoring needs with the same platform • Can be factory fitted on new GE breakers or retrofitted to most types and brands • Delivers reduced and optimized operating maintenance costs • Enables condition-based asset replacement strategy • Helps reduce costly SF6 gas releases to the environment • Seamless communication with control or asset management tools and through web server HMI
Further Information
Other switchgear monitoring devices are available for circuit breakers, gas-insulated substations and disconnectors: https://www.gegridsolutions.com/md/switchgear-monitoring.htm

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