WATCH ON-DEMAND: Energy Revolution Africa: Building resilient incomes to ensure sustainable business models
Building resilient incomes to ensure sustainable business models
● Productive use of energy as key to creating demand;
● Lessons learned from integrated energy planning and implementation which have smoothed out energy demand on mini-grid developers amidst lockdown situations;
● Customer engagement: shifting expectations from both sides of the relationship.
Aaron Leopold, CEO, Africa Minigrid Developers Association (AMDA), Kenya
- John Kidenda, Director - Software and Analytics, PowerGen Renewable Energy Kenya
- Angus Marjoribanks, COO, Energrow, Uganda
- Hack Stiernblad, Director of BD, SunCulture
- Ifeoma N. Malo, Clean Technology Hub, Nigeria
- Jay Taneja, Lead Researcher, UMass Amherst, USA