Anything World
At Anything World, we harness the power of AI to bring 3D models to life at scale, meaning you never have to rig again! With our Unity and Unreal SDK, you can access a limitless library of rigged, game-ready 3D animations all for FREE. Download the game-changing plug-in on the Unity Asset Store or on anything.world and kickstart your game dev dreams in a heartbeat.
Here's what sets us apart:
- We eliminate the challenges of modelling, rigging, and animating 3D content.
- We slash production time by 40% and cut costs in half.
- We empower you to create limitless 3D experiences.
Ready to elevate your game? Visit our stand for a live demo and cool Anything World merch. See you there!
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United Kingdom
Main Business Activity
BrowserPortable ConsolePC / Mac
Company Size
21 to 40 people