FLINTA* Ally Panel & Networking

FLINTA* Ally Panel & Networking

Monday, August 22, 2022 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)


At devcom we value inclusivity and diversity and strive to be allies and supporters, which is why we are thrilled to announce that we will host the FLINTA* Meet Up & Reception at ddc2022 as a safe space to meet and talk to other "non-cis-male" people from the game developing world. The Meet Up will be located in the Offenbachsaal at 1pm on Monday, August 22. For our schedule and a list of contributors, see below!

The designation FLINTA* stands for all those people who are routinely marginalized or discriminated against in a patriarchal heteronormative society - people that are Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Non-Binary, Transgender, Agender and any gender in-between or outside of these designations.

We recognize the importance of *ally-ship* and we value anyone who strives to become a (better) ally. This is why we encourage all participants of devcom regardless of their gender identity to join our meet up *only for this closing panel on allyship*.

How to be an ally
Session Type
Panel (40 Min)

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