Synergizing Human Intelligence, AI and Data Lakes in Cybersecurity

Synergizing Human Intelligence, AI and Data Lakes in Cybersecurity


In the landscape of modern cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role, offering unparalleled speed and power to both defenders and adversaries. The integration of machine learning, bolstered by vast data lakes, has emerged as a cornerstone in defense strategies. However, as AI continues to evolve, leaders face the challenge of maintaining a delicate balance between leveraging its efficiency and accuracy, while ensuring meaningful human engagement.

This session explores the dynamics of human-AI collaboration in cybersecurity, highlighting the imperative for strategic interaction between AI-driven automation, human intuition and the wealth of insights stored within data lakes in real-world scenarios. Learn how to unify, accelerate and simplify your SecOps. Detect earlier, respond faster and stay ahead of attacks and gain complete visibility across your entire organization.

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Multi-Cloud securitySecurity framework and defence strategySmart AI security solutions

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