XDR’s true value: Integrated signal at speed and scale

XDR’s true value: Integrated signal at speed and scale

Thursday, May 30, 2024 11:45 AM to 12:15 PM · 30 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)


Since day 1, the XDR concept has been flawed, despite the correct intent: ‘Extended Detection and Response’. The birth of this concept was because no real ‘XDR platform’ did exist, and companies wanted to bundle more of their own products into the cyber security play.

As such, the impersonation of XDR became DRPW; a Detection Response Product Wrap….

Today, we can look at the true value of XDR; integrating the best signal you have into 1 pipeline. Finally, you’ll be able to track adversaries in your hybrid enterprise – the network, Identity, SaaS, IaaS, the endpoint and more 3rd party signal - through 1 pane of glass.

In today’s session, you’ll learn about Vectra AI’s XDR implementation, 1 pane of glass, but one that can consume the needed signal, native or 3rd party, at speed and with scale.

Note: In case of high interest from participants, VIPs and other end-users will be given priority over others.

Theater session


Security framework and defence strategySmart AI security solutionsZero trust security

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