Combating the Modern Cyber Threat Landscape

Combating the Modern Cyber Threat Landscape

Thursday, May 30, 2024 2:30 PM to 2:50 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)


In just the last few years we’ve seen cybercriminals commoditize the entire attack delivery pipeline on underground marketplaces, generative AI enable spear phishing at scale, and improvements in endpoint protection force a shift to Living-off-the-Land techniques. Modern cyber threats are not just more evasive, they require significantly less skill to execute, meaning attackers can earn a return on investment going after any size of organization. In this presentation, we’ll cover the top cyber threat trends and techniques from an attacker’s perspective and give guidance on specific policies and controls you can adopt to defend your business.

Theater session


Cybersecurity strategySecurity framework and defence strategy

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