The lifecycle of an incident from a user’s perspective
Thursday, November 4, 2021 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM · 30 min. (Europe/Madrid)
Conference room C: Protect and Enhance
Sponsored Session
Hear from Lancashire Constabulary on how they are using simplified mobile workflows and unified data to present a single user interface for the lifecycle of an incident.
Ian Williams will introduce the “Connected Officer”.
Dave Hannan will deep dive Pronto/BWV integration in the context of managing an
ongoing incident in the field.
The presentation will include a short video clip of officers arriving at an incident incorporating:
- In Car CCTV
- Conducted Energy Device (CED) Activating BWV and Peer recording
- Pronto
- An AED Activation auto populates ePocketbook and Use of Force for audit
- Tagging of BWV and WatchGuard
- FR and Biometrics
- Audio/Video Interview Suspect
- Remote statement taking
- Upload Witness multimedia evidence Ongoing victim communications
Andy DoranIan Williams