Decodio AG



Based in Zurich Switzerland Decodio is a technology company developing products for air-interface analysis, network monitoring, troubleshooting and coverage tests.

Implementations for all mission critical voice communication systems (TETRA, DMR, Tetrapol, P25, NXDN and dPMR) make the Decodio System a full-featured solution.

Decodio NET is a powerful air interface analysis tool for digital PMR networks. It provides interactive network overview, real-time identification and parallel decoding of all active emissions.

Decodio RUNNER is an advanced mobile drive test solution for network planning, verification and troubleshooting.

Decodio QoS allows continuous monitoring of large-scale communication networks and alarm triggering using multiple measurement sites. 

Big Data & IntelligenceBorder SecurityDMR ApplicationsMission Critical Broadband ApplicationsTest Equipment & ServicesTETRA ApplicationsTETRA Infrastructure Products

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