Dispatching and paging - Handle urgent task or fill work shifts even in seconds!
It's time to forget long phone calls, sms messages or managing tons of emails to fill open work shifts or finding a responder to an urgent task! Based on customer feedback from University Hospital of Kuopio, Secapp can reduce even 90% of time needed to spend on a phone trying to reach people.
With Secapp you can page personnel to work in seconds. The paging is two-way meaning that the dispatcher gets immediate response when someone decides to accept the task or shift. Secapp paging works with existing devices by communicating through apps, SMS messages, automated calls, emails and TETRA - all from easy-to-use dispatch center. Messages can be targeted to correct individuals based on skills, availability, group information or location.
You can even make the process fully automatic after the first message letting Secapp to take care of telling people that the task or shift is taken care of. The person who got the shift will get further information automatically, of course.