ECOS-D Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) solution Tier II and Tier III
ECOS-D (Extended COmmunication System - Digital) is Leonardo’s DMR solution, a smart radio networksystem, at the forefront of DMR technology for critical operations; ECOS-D solution is one of the most comprehensive and state-of-the-art DMR solution
available today on the market.
The Leonardo’s ECOS-D solution includes:
Radio networks characterized by “multipurpose” base stations meaning that they able to work as: analogue, Tier II Conventional DMR, Dual-Mode analogue / Tier II, DMR Trunking Tier III,
Embedded logic for system architectures with distributed Core Network functionality (traditional centralized architectures can be supported as well)
Web based Network Management System (NMS) application providing network health information, subscriber management and performance analysis
Interface (AIS or AISIP based) towards Control Room applications (dispatchers) providing all the relevant services for both voice and data communications monitoring, message exchange, GPS radio localization, cross-patching among radio channels, radio-telephone communications and voice recording.