4G LTE Solutions for Fire Brigades

4G LTE Solutions for Fire Brigades



For firefighters on the frontlines, wireless connectivity is a lifeline. They rely on fast and always-on access to critical applications and data to perform their mission, whether in a vehicle, station, or on-scene. Cradlepoint’s NetCloud Service and wireless routers unlock the power of 4G LTE and 5G — including nationwide public safety networks — for reliable connections to MDTs, connected gear, sensors, and beyond. Cradlepoint helps firefighters safely and efficiently protect lives and property, especially when the heat is on. Experience a whole new level of network management, intelligence, and control with the NetCloud Service. Why settle for just hardware when you can have everything you need to manage and control your network at your fingertips, and from a single screen. NetCloud Manager lets you monitor uptime, security, and cellular reception and usage through at-a-glance dashboards. NetCloud-controlled routers can intelligently handle traffic flows across multiple cellular connections to ensure optimal performance, including nationwide public safety networks like ESN. Learn more here: https://cradlepoint.com/solutions/for-public-safety/fire/

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